Filmmaker and artist
My artistic practice explores the relationships between humans, machines, and non-human organic entities.
My work has been showcased globally at film and media art festivals, receiving recognition with awards from the Athens International Film + Video Festival (US) and the Alternative Film/Video Festival in Belgrade (RS).

Performance ▪︎ 2019 ▪︎ 45 Min./ durational
"they said there is a ____ under us,
a ____ under this place
but is it not buried?
it s dead
it lived 290 million years ago
now there is gravel
and sand
and dust
and mud
and grass has grown over it
cars are rolling over it
human beings walking
not even knowing
not even remembering the ____
do you think at some point it could
come back
to life?"
(EN) Sci-Fi Performance about the communication with Berlin's underlying vulcano.
(DE) Die Sci-Fi Performance beruht auf der Entdeckung, dass die Stadt Berlin auf dem Gebiet eines ehemaligen Vulkans liegt. In der Performance etablieren die Performer_innen eine Kommunikation mit dem Vulkan.
Gloria Gammer....................................Konzept, Performance
Deva Schubert......................................Konzept, Performance
AUFGEFÜHRT im Rahmen von LOAFestival 2019 des HZT Berlin